最大边际似然估计的相互作用粒子Langevin算法 Interacting Particle Langevin Algorithm for Maximum Marginal Likelihood Estimation

作者:Ö. Deniz Akyildiz Francesca Romana Crucinio Mark Girolami Tim Johnston Sotirios Sabanis


We study a class of interacting particle systems for implementing a marginalmaximum likelihood estimation (MLE) procedure to optimize over the parametersof a latent variable model. To do so, we propose a continuous-time interactingparticle system which can be seen as a Langevin diffusion over an extendedstate space, where the number of particles acts as the inverse temperatureparameter in classical settings for optimisation. Using Langevin diffusions, weprove nonasymptotic concentration bounds for the optimisation error of themaximum marginal likelihood estimator in terms of the number of particles inthe particle system, the number of iterations of the algorithm, and thestep-size parameter for the time discretisation analysis.



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